Coastal Inspection Services 11-Month Warranty Inspections
Imagine living in your brand-new home only to find that it required significant repairs. Worry not, as we've got you covered with our 11-Month Builder Warranty Inspections. This invaluable service can help your family rest easy, knowing they'll never encounter costly repairs they weren't prepared for!
Don't take any risks: Coastal Inspection Services offers a one-time 11-month warranty inspection with a complete and impartial evaluation, alerting you to any flaws and problems from the ground up. This helps you make timely claims on your builder's 1-year warranty.
Get peace of mind with our impartial and independent evaluation.
We provide an impartial and independent home warranty inspection service for your new home to ensure that it meets safety standards. Our inspector will identify common problems in new construction and potentially serious issues. For example, you notice condensation on your windows and think it's not a big deal. You should know that if left untreated, this issue can quickly aggravate and lead to more significant problems like mold, mildew, and wood rot. If you have crossed the one-year mark and haven't had an inspection within the 11-Month warranty, you will have to pay for repairs.
Our 11-month warranty inspection provides a no-risk, no-obligation inspection that you can use within a year to identify significant flaws or malfunctions in your new home and have the builder pay for them.
Leverage Your Home Inspection Warranty In Orange County
If there are any problems with your new home, you have only a limited amount of time in which the builder is legally obligated to make repairs. With Coastal Inspections' 11-month warranty inspection, you have one last opportunity to get every issue found and fixed, after which the builder can no longer be held accountable.
Our team at Coastal inspection services ensures that you're covered up until your builder's warranty expires - saving you time and money in the future!
To avoid any last-minute surprises, we recommend scheduling your 1-year new home warranty inspection before the 11th month, so there is enough time for the inspection to provide a list of needed repairs to the builder and have them completed prior to the warranty expiration. If you haven't already, please reach out, and we'll help you schedule your property inspection.